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Trade in major indices

Trade the world’s most liquid indices

Please note that Dynamic Leverage may apply.

SymbolsDescriptionStandard Contract Size (1 lot)Minimum Lot SizeLeverageTrading Sessions (Monday to Friday GMT+2)
AUS200Australia 20011100:100:50-07:30, 08:10-23:00
F40France 4011100:109:00-23:00
DE30Germany 3011100:102:15-23:00
UK100UK 10011100:101:02-23:59
US30Dow Jones11100:101:02-23:59
US500S&P 50011100:101:02-23:59
ES35Spain 3511100:109:00-21:00
JP225Japan 22511100:101:02-23:59
HS150Hong Kong 50 Cash10.1100:103:15-06:00, 07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
DXAIndex Dollar Future10000.1100:103:00-24:00
US30.fDow Jones Future10.1100:101:02-23:59
US100.fNasdaq Future10.1100:101:02-23:59
US500.fS&P 500 Future10.1100:101:02-23:59
DAX40.fDAX 40 Future10.1100:101:02-23:59

Dividends Adjustments on Cash Indices CFDs

CFDs on Indices are subject to dividend adjustments.
When a company within an Index pays dividends to its shareholders, it is essentially reducing the value of the company by the amount of the dividend.
This is reflected by a reduction of the share price and effectively the Index price at the market open on the ex-dividend date (the day that the company stock starts trading without the value of the dividend).
Therefore, to ensure no impact on positions, a dividend adjustment is made on the trading accounts of clients who hold CFD positions on Cash Indices.
Buy trades will receive an amount calculated as follows:
Dividend Adjustment = Dividend declared x position size in Cash Indices
Sell trades will be charged an amount calculated as follows:
Dividend Adjustment = Dividend declared x position size in Cash Indices

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